
20 March 2019

MDMA assisted therapy for PTSD

A review of the history of MDMA assisted therapy for PTSD has just come out. It all looks very promising.
A Review of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-Assisted Psychotherapy. Frontiers of Psychiatry, 20 March 2019 |

One thing I did not know was that when MDMA led to a reduction in the amount of alcohol being consumed in the UK, the brewing industry fought back. "
During this decade [1990s] the UK brewing industry sponsored widely publicized anti-Ecstasy campaigns in response to their business being eroded by Ecstasy use (11).
Alcohol is far more dangerous than MDMA!

It makes you think. Today there is a story in the news about how cannabis raises the risk of psychosis. Who is this funded by? Why is this study in the news and not one of the many stories about the therapeutic effects of cannabis.

In fact you are far more at risk of harm from driving a car than you are of being harmed by either cannabis or MDMA. There are in fact only a handful of deaths that can be directly attributed to MDMA ever and no one has ever died from cannabis. Whereas vehicles kill 1500 people a year in the UK, every year, plus a few tens of thousands more via long term exposure to exhaust fumes.

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